

Countdown Expired!

September 22-24, 2024
West Palm Beach, FL


Sales Mastery

September 22-24, 2024 | The Ben Hotel, West Palm Beach, FL

Bob Burg

Jeff C. West

Kim Angeli

Plus Very
Special Guest

Richard Weylman

Richard Weylman

Discover a Different Approach to Selling

The foundation of our SALESWISE System is The Go-Giver Way. The premise at the heart of The Go-Giver is that shifting your focus from getting to giving (constantly and consistently providing immense value to others) is not only a more fulfilling way to conduct business; it’s the most financially profitable way, as well.

Something Vital Has Been Overlooked. And It’s Essential To Your Success — Especially Now.

In trying to find the shortcut to buyers, we’ve inadvertently lost the focus on the very thing that makes sales work:

The Go-Giver
Streetwise to Saleswise


At its core, sales is about humans connecting with humans. The sales professionals who are extremely successful in today’s post-pandemic, technology-crazy, economically uncertain world are those who have taken their relationship-building skills to the next level…

Give Us 2 Days ― and We’ll Give You the Proven SALESWISE System to Effortlessly Deepen Relationships, Dramatically Increase Sales, and Generate Endless Referrals

Helping Experienced Salespeople, Sales Leaders, and Business Owners Unlock the Next Level of Sales Success

Discover How During SALESWISE LIVE


your sales


your career


more people

The Result: You'll EARN a lot more income

SALESWISE LIVE ™ is a two-day sales event where you’ll discover the roadmap and actionable strategies that work today. Claim your spot at this exclusive, luxurious event to:

Saleswise Live ™

Shift Your Focus

Shift your focus and discover the overlooked key to building powerful relationships and generating a continuous flow of referrals without being pushy or fearful (Hint: this is the secret that separates salespeople who are thriving in the post-pandemic sales environment from those who are struggling.)


Understand the neuroscience behind buying decisions … and how to work with the science rather than against it. (The “psychology of sales” only scratches the surface. Once you understand the science, helping your prospects feel comfortable in taking the next step in your cycle will become effortless.)

Saleswise Live ™
Saleswise Live ™

Generate a Flow of Referrals

Identify the most overlooked source of referrals and sales that’s hiding in plain sight. (The vast majority of marketing and sales efforts miss this opportunity. But addressing it will shorten your sales cycle, increase revenue, and slash lead-generation costs.)

Create Loyal Salespeople

If you are in sales management / leadership, equip yourself with the insights and strategies to retain a higher percentage of your salespeople. You’ll find that the same principles that result in loyal customers… create loyal salespeople within your organization.
Saleswise Live ™
Jen Heller
"HUGE Thank You for not only an amazing event, but for creating a beautiful space to bring together a bunch of fantastic, talented Go-Giver leaders! It’s hard to put into words what the Saleswise Live experience was overall because it wasn’t your average event… it was jammed packed with high vibe energy, solid business/leadership advice, as well as life-long friendships and connections. Thank you all, you blew the roof off my expectations, and I can’t wait for the next event."
Jen Heller | Owner, Jen Heller Lifestyle
"I have been in the sales business, leadership and otherwise, for about 38 years... {SALESWISE LIVE} isn’t Sales Training in the sense of newbie training or sales training that we’ve all probably been through. This is real life stuff, and it’s game-changer stuff that the most sophisticated, the most seasoned sales professionals and leaders would find value."
Jamee Smith | Principal, Sente Ventures, Inc.


You need to shift your strategy and figure out what works today.

Because you have big targets to hit this year – and an even bigger vision for your career and business.

And winning is the only option


Why the Search for a Shortcut

Has Backfired

Many of the challenges you’re facing today are the result of a two-decade-long trend in sales:
Trying to make the sales process work without being in the uncomfortable position of prospecting and having sales conversations.

Business owners and sales professionals alike have been looking for a shortcut, delegating the responsibility of lead generation to “surefire” tools like search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and other largely digital marketing strategies.

Of course, in and of itself, there is nothing wrong with any of these tools individually. To a certain degree, they can work.

But there is also a major challenge with these tools. Especially when you depend on them to do the work for you.

And that is…

Results are out of your control. Too often, you’re at the mercy of Big Tech and their algorithms of the month. You or your organization can easily spend tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars on advertising and end up with no traffic, no leads, and no appointments.

Mike Gandolfo, Owner, RE Solutions, LLC
“Now, in the real estate business, we’re back into a market that’s got some questions, and the people who understand their value and how to communicate their value are the ones who are going to win... It’s been phenomenal just to be around a great group of people; to synergies with like-minded people, especially coming from different industries because it’s given me a fresh perspective on things that might apply to my business and how I can improve…I definitely recommend coming to SALESWISE LIVE. It’s going to be amazing, you’re going to meet great people and you’re going to learn a ton."
Mike Gandolfo | Owner, RE Solutions, LLC
Paul Youngblood, Founder & Managing Partner, Youngblood Law
“...Like-minded, like-energy people.There’s nothing like going back and learning tiny nuances to fundamental and foundational concepts of sales. The value of being here in this room with these people has been multitudes more than what I paid to get here. Would I recommend it? Yes, absolutely!"
Paul Youngblood | Founder & Managing Partner, Youngblood Law

Who Should Attend

Saleswise Live™?

When you attend SALESWISE LIVE™, you’ll be surrounded by other top-producing sales professionals – some of the best in the business, who will inspire you, challenge you, and support you in mastering the practical skills and new approach needed to stand out in today’s challenging sales environment. 

This no-fluff, power-packed event has been carefully crafted for:

… plus other team members who need or want to improve sales results in today’s competitive landscape – while working less and experiencing more freedom, joy, and peace of mind – such as your general manager, operations manager, franchisees, and members of your sales team.

The timeless principles, proven strategies, and science-backed system you’ll learn when you attend SALESWISE LIVE™ apply to any industry, including financial services, insurance, real estate, mortgage, banking, direct sales, technology, coaching, employee benefits, software, banking, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, vehicles, luxury goods, fundraising, funeral services, educational consulting, advertising, and more.

Saleswise Live ™
Saleswise Live ™
David Hancock, Founder of Morgan James Publishing
“As most entrepreneurs know, we need to have a love for learning…{SALESWISE LIVE} been powerful! I absolutely recommend that if you have an opportunity to be at one of these events, to absolutely be at one of these events."
David Hancock | Founder, Morgan James Publishing
Max Fleischer, Coach-Mentor Living Fantastic, Inc.
“A lot of concrete, specific material…beautiful venue…a lot of fun. I highly recommend this event to anyone in sales and business development."
Max Fleischer | Coach-Mentor, Living Fantastic, Inc.

14 Reasons to Attend This

High-Level Sales Training Program

If you’re ready to enjoy the confidence and peace of mind that come from unlocking the secret to creating high-value sales relationships — and from building a predictable, reliable sales system — reserve your place now.
Irma Perone, Corporate Consultant and Author
“The past two days have been an absolute whirlwind of learning and inspiration at SALESWISE LIVE, alongside industry giants like Bob Burg, Jeff C. West, and Kim Angeli. I can hardly express how transformative this experience has been… Don’t miss out on this game-changing opportunity!”
Irma Parone | Corporate Consultant and Author
Zain Jeewanjee, CEO & FOUNDER, Zain Jeewanjee Insurance Agency
“Incredible! Just incredible! It really enforces in you the way you should live your life. I picked up so many new tips that are not only refreshing, but I learned so much."
Zain Jeewanjee | CEO & Founder, Zain Jeewanjee Insurance Agency

Increase Your

Influence, Impact & Income

Learn Principles, Practices, and Systems From:

The Go-Giver
Streetwise to Saleswise
Endless Referrals
100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life
The Go-Giver Influencer
Go-Givers Sell More

What You'll Learn

The Five Laws of The Go-Giver®

Uncover the secrets to greater influence, impact, and income

FusionPoints™ and Prospecting for Appointments

Uncover the secrets to greater influence, impact, and income

Building Relationships
The Go-Giver Way

Discover the time-proven process to get prospects to know, like and trust you

The Sales Presentation

Learn a faster, easier, value-based way to serve prospects and clients

Making Yourself ObjectionProof™

Embrace objections as a way to move prospects through the sales process

Asking & Obtaining
High-Quality Referrals

Eliminate awkwardness and get prospects primed for your request

Grow with Gratitude™

Unlock the dormant potential of your database and stop marketing waste

The Five Principles of Genuine Influence®

Explore ways to resolve conflict, influence others, and be of greater service

Leadership for Business and Life

Deliberately create the success, relationships and freedom you want

Return on Investment

An Experiential Learning Process for a Bigger & Faster

Return on Investment

Too often, sales conferences are a one-way flow of ideas where attendees are expected to drink from a firehose of information. 

SALESWISE LIVE™ is different. You’ll receive the roadmap to elevated sales success with Bob, Jeff, and Kim as your guides. In addition to seeing key processes role-modeled, you’ll have the chance to practice what you learn.

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions, experiment with different ways to implement what you learn, and even get the opportunity for feedback and coaching.

You can’t learn to ride a bike simply by having someone tell you what to do. Watching someone demonstrate how to ride a bike can help you form a better mental picture of what to do when you hop on a bike yourself. But you don’t truly learn and master the skill until you actually get on the bike.

The same is true with sales. Being told what to do has a limited impact. Experiential learning helps you to develop “muscle memory,” allowing the new information you’re learning to become a part of you … opening the door to a bigger and faster return on investment.

Meet Your Guides

To Better, Easier, More Profitable Sales

When you attend SALESWISE LIVE™, you’ll be learning from and be guided by three sales experts:

Meet Bob Burg

Bob Burg

Co-author of the business parable, The Go-Giver, and author of the sales classic, Endless Referrals, Bob helps companies and sales professionals to more effectively communicate their value, sell at higher prices with less resistance, and grow their businesses significantly.

Meet Jeff C. West

Jeff C. West

Co-author with Bob Burg of Streetwise to Saleswise: Become ObjectionProof™ and Beat the Sales Blues, Jeff is a 30-year sales veteran who has coached and led sales teams in multiple industries and was among the top sales performers and leaders in the nation.

Meet Kim Angeli

Kim Angeli

After a stunning sales career, then owning and selling her own insurance agency, Kim created Grow with Gratitude™. She now teaches business owners and sales professionals how to transform their enterprises and cultivate raving fans.

Richard Weylman

Author of 100 Proven Ways to Acquire and Keep Clients for Life, Richard has changed the game for business owners around the globe regarding business development and customer experience. The result is turning satisfied clients into “Delighted Advocates” for your business.


Beckie Moriello
"I got so much insight from Bob, Jeff, and Kim about how I can be more of service in the community. Thanks for a fabulously well put-together event (right amount of Q&A and balance between speakers and OMG The Ben!)"
Beckie Moriello | U.S. Immigration Attorney
Mark Heller
"The event was nothing short of AMAZING. Bob Burg, Jeff West, and Kim Angeli killed it. If you are looking to level up your relationship building skills (leading to better sales results) and increasing your level of gratitude both in life and your relationships, this event is for you. So much learned, and so much to unpack. What an amazing experience. Bob, Jeff, and Kim, I am SO GRATEFUL of you guys."
Mark Heller | Factum Financial


Right for Me?

You Belong at SALESWISE LIVE™ If…

This Opportunity May Not Be Right for You If…

Participation is Limited

Get Notified When Registration Opens

September 22-24, 2024 | West Palm Beach, FL


Sales Mastery Retreat

Enter your contact information below and click the GET NOTIFIED button below.

Participation is Limited


September 22-24, 2024 | West Palm Beach, FL

Your Ticket to Sales Mastery

$ 2,997
  • 2 Days of LIVE training in person with Bob Burg, Jeff C. West, Kim Angeli, and very special guest Richard Weylman. You’ll discover timeless principles, proven strategies, and a science-backed system to hep you elevate your sales success
  • Special Dinner on Sunday night, September 22nd
  • Opportunity to Book Luxury Ben Hotel
  • SALESWISE LIVE™ Custom Workbook
  • Breakfast and lunch Included on Monday and Tuesday
  • Pre-Event Meet and Greet on Zoom
  • Special 90-Minute Group Debrief and Strategy Session with Bob, Jeff and Kim on Zoom after the Event
  • Plus some fun surprises…

Your Ticket to Sales Mastery

$ 2,997
  • 2 Days of LIVE training in person with Bob Burg, Jeff C. West, and Kim Angeli where you’ll discover timeless principles, proven strategies, and a science-backed system to help you elevate your sales success
  • Special Reception including Dixieland Band on Sunday night, June 2nd
  • Opportunity to Book Luxury Ben Hotel
  • SALESWISE LIVE™ Custom Workbook
  • Lunch Included on Monday and Tuesday
  • Pre-Event Meet and Greet Zoom
  • Special 90-Minute Group Debrief and Strategy Session with Bob, Jeff and Kim on Zoom after the Event
  • Register by May 10th and your 2 hotel nights are included (over $600 value)!
  • Plus some fun surprises…

VIP “All Access” Pass

$ 4,997
  • Limited to 25 People
  • 2 Days of LIVE training in person with Bob Burg, Jeff C. West, and Kim Angeli where you’ll discover timeless principles, proven strategies, and a science-backed system to help you elevate your sales success
  • Special Reception, Including Dixieland Band on Sunday night, June 2nd
  • Opportunity to Book Luxury Ben Hotel
  • SALESWISE LIVE™ Custom Workbook
  • VIP Only: Early Entry to Event on Monday and Tuesday
  • VIP Only: Reserved Seating
  • VIP Only: VIP Lunch Included Exclusively with Bob Burg, Jeff West and Kim Angeli
  • VIP Only: Pre-Event Meet and Greet Zoom for VIP Attendees
  • VIP Only: Special 90-Minute Group Debrief and Strategy Session after event with Bob, Jeff and Kim
  • VIP Only: Register by May 10th and your 2 hotel nights are included (over $600 value)!
  • Many other fun surprises…


Ends on June 30, 2024

Countdown Expired!
The Ben: King Room

Your 2 hotel nights are included with your ticket when you register by June 30th, 2024 (over $600 value).

In keeping with the theme of “elevation,” SALESWISE LIVE™ will be held at one of the most beautiful and exclusive properties in Florida — The Ben West Palm Beach. 

Nestled along the West Palm Beach waterfront, The Ben is a 208-room boutique hotel and part of the acclaimed Marriott Autograph Collection.

Jen Shaw
"Saleswise Live was invaluable to me. Both in terms of the connections made and the strategies shared, it was priceless. I will be able to use this immediately and grow my business wisely, not harder."
Jen Shaw | Waxhaw Magazine
"Had an amazing time…I highly recommend it. I gained so many valuable techniques that will significantly boost my sales skills. Bob, Jeff, and Kim were a fantastic team."
Nadine Heitz, ESQ. | U.S. Immigration Attorney


When You Register By April 16, 2024

Register now and you’ll immediately receive one of Bob Burg’s most popular programs for sales professionals and entrepreneurs…

Remembering Names and Faces


It’s difficult to imagine anything more embarrassing than meeting someone and almost immediately forgetting their names. Or, almost as bad, seeing them some time after meeting them and forgetting their name. Ouch!

Bob used to do that constantly, and he knew he needed to improve!

So how did he overcome that and turn one of his biggest weaknesses into one of his greatest strengths?

He Learned a System.

Not only are you going to receive Bob’s how-to system for remembering names and faces as our gift for registering by April 16th, but you’ll also be invited to a special LIVE Q&A with Bob via Zoom prior to the SALESWISE LIVE event where he will provide you with some of the insider tips that will help you turbocharge your ability to remember numerous names at a time.

An Investment That Pays Off with Your

First Additional Sale

Attending SALESWISE LIVE™ means that you may be giving up a few days where you could be meeting with prospects. You might be wondering whether what you’ll learn by attending will actually pay off, considering that you’re already an accomplished sales professional. 

If you’re like most sales professionals who have already committed to attending this event, the answer is YES.

The secrets you’ll discover and the shifts you’ll make during this event will help you improve your results at every step in the sales process. And, as you already know, little improvements add up to big results.

Imagine that you normally close 2 prospects out of 10. What would it mean to your business if you could:

How much more revenue would you generate for your business – and how much more income would that put into your pocket?

Your exact numbers depend on what you’re selling, your database, and your compensation plan, of course. But we’re willing to bet that your potential gain will more than produce a return on your modest investment into yourself.

Bottom line: How many extra sales will it take to recoup your investment? And you’ll be able to apply and benefit from what you learn for the rest of your career.

First Additional Sale

Your Delight is GUARANTEED

Attend the first full day of SALESWISE LIVE™. Soak up the wisdom shared, learn and practice the formulas, and participate in the experiential exercises.

If you don’t agree that you’ve received many times your investment, and aren’t eagerly anticipating Day 2, let our registration team know. We’ll issue a full refund on the spot.

It’s Time to Take Your Sales Career to Where You’ve Always Known It Could Be

Imagine never again worrying about your list of high-quality prospects drying up because you’re receiving a flow of endless referrals from delighted customers and clients who love and appreciate the value you add to their lives. 

Imagine never again sweating over how you’ll be able to “overcome” a big prospect’s objections because you understand the neuroscience of decision-making and now are ObjectionProof™.

Imagine never again stressing that you’ll miss a quota because you can’t keep team members – and instead enjoy high retention rates and a team that’s eager to break records.

You’ll walk away from Saleswise Live™ with actionable strategies for everything you need to know to ACCELERATE your sales career; to ELEVATE it to the next level of success; to be able to SERVE a whole lot more people and — as a result — EARN a lot more income!

It’s time to move from where you are now … to where you want — and deserve — to be.

Held at One of the Most

Beautiful Luxury Hotel

Properties in Florida

In keeping with the theme of “elevation,” SALESWISE LIVE™ will be held at one of the most beautiful and exclusive properties in Florida — The Ben West Palm Beach. 

Nestled along the West Palm Beach waterfront, The Ben is a 208-room boutique hotel and part of the acclaimed Marriott Autograph Collection.

Inspired by Byrd Spilman Dewey’s Ben Trovato Estate, one of Palm Beach County’s original great homes, The Ben brings to West Palm Beach what its namesake is known for — being a notorious host & social facilitator. Offering prime views of the Palm Harbor Marina and scenic Intracoastal Waterway, the hotel’s amenities include a stunning rooftop lounge with an expansive heated saltwater pool and adjacent bar offering poolside cocktail service and an ambiance perfect for nightlife.

The Ben is conveniently located just a block away from Clematis Street, known as West Palm’s “Main Street,” and a short stroll from the lifestyle center Rosemary Square.

If you’ve ever attended a sales seminar (or any professional event, for that matter), you know that what happens outside of the seminar room is almost as valuable as the official sessions. That’s why we highly encourage you to secure your room at this luxurious property … so you can dive deeper into conversation with your fellow attendees, trade stories and lessons learned, and enjoy well-earned relaxation.

We’ve negotiated an unbelievable room rate of $269 per night (plus taxes and fees, of course) for those who wish to stay at the luxurious Ben Hotel.

You’ll receive a special link to secure your room at this incredible rate after you reserve your spot for SALESWISE LIVE™.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Saleswise Live™

Of course! We invite you to attend the first full day of SALESWISE LIVE™. If you don’t agree by the end of the day that you’ve received many times your investment and you aren’t eagerly anticipating Day 2, just let our registration team know. We’ll issue a full refund on the spot. Register with confidence here

Of course! We invite you to attend the first full day of SALESWISE LIVE™. If you don’t agree by the end of the day that you’ve received many times your investment and you aren’t eagerly anticipating Day 2, just let our registration team know. We’ll issue a full refund on the spot. Register with confidence here

We encourage you to make your commitment to attend SALESWISE LIVE™ as non-negotiable as possible. But we also understand that life happens.

If needed, you may cancel your reservation up until 21 days before the event for a full refund. If you cancel fewer than 21 days before the event, you may transfer your ticket to another person or you may transfer your reservation to a future Saleswise Live™ event.

If you agree that this sounds reasonable, reserve your place here.

To allow our event team time to put finishing touches on details, including getting event materials printed, registration will close by Friday, September 13th. However, based on the interest that Bob, Jeff, and Kim are hearing from people in their respective networks, there is a good chance that this event will sell out long before then.

If you’re even remotely interested in all that Saleswise Live™ offers, reserve your spot now.

We’ve negotiated an unbelievable room rate of $269 per night (plus taxes and fees, of course) for those who wish to stay at the luxurious Ben Hotel.

Register for SALESWISE LIVE™ today so you can receive the private registration code and lock in your room at this incredible rate.

Bob, Jeff, and Kim have a combined total of 85 years of sales experience. As coaches, speakers, and authors, they have their fingers on the pulse of what’s working — and what’s failing miserably — across a range of industries.

They’ve been working for months to distill all they know about what’s working into a principle-based roadmap that you can follow and adapt to your organization and industry. By learning the principles that underlie the success of this roadmap, you’ll be able to avoid future trends that promise the moon but are doomed to fail … evolve your approach to sales as new tools become available and even if you change organizations … and embrace the future with confidence, certain that you can discern the best path to build relationships with your customers.

When you attend SALESWISE LIVE™, you’ll discover a science-based approach to use objections to deepen relationships (making yourself ObjectionProof™, how to use the principles of relationship building to rapidly expand your network and generate a continuous flow of referrals, and ultimately, how to move the revenue needle with less work and greater certainty.

If you’re serious about achieving the next level of success in your sales career, it’s time to get Saleswise. Reserve your place now.

We love this question because it shows that you’re honest with yourself.

If you come to this program, soak up all that we’ll be sharing, and don’t take action, you’re going to get the same results you’re getting now. So we’d advise you to not do that. (As Jeff likes to say, “Even God can’t steer a parked car.”) 🙂

What we can share is this: The strategies you’ll learn are intuitive, easy to use, and immediately applicable. Which means you don’t have to go home and figure out how you’re going to use what you learn — you just need to apply it.

And you can even begin while you are still at the event. Even if you apply a small fraction of what you learn, you’ll be ahead of where you are now. Reserve your place now.

Absolutely. To gain a quick return on your investment into this event you need to be able to apply what you learned while there. And the best way to make new knowledge a part of you and to master these new skills is to practice while you’re learning. SALESWISE LIVE™ will include experiential learning exercises so you can gain plenty of practice with these new skills and receive feedback and coaching in real time. Reserve your place now.

That’s a wonderful question. Most of us have been to events that are nothing but thinly disguised infomercials. There’s nothing worse than investing time and good money attending a program only to find out that the main goal is to sell you an additional program – and that you have to invest in the bigger program to get the real “meat.”

We can promise this: Every word that comes out of our mouths at this event will be of value to you. The vast majority of our time will be spent on education, and we will not be holding back on anything. You’ll get the system and “secret sauce” at the event.

If you find that you’d like to go deeper into the principles you learn at SALESWISE LIVE™ and/or if you’d like our further support in implementing these principles in your business or career, there will be an opportunity to explore how we can support you. Even if you believe right now that this is not of interest to you, we invite you to stay curious about how this “upserve” is presented. Selling is service, and you can learn simply by watching what we do.

If you’re ready for two content-packed days that will elevate your sales career, reserve your place now.

SALESWISE LIVE™ is designed to give experienced sales professionals insights, strategies, and skills they can use to take their careers to the next level.

As a new sales professional, you will definitely benefit by attending. Not only will you shorten your learning curve by discovering what strategies work best in today’s challenging sales environment, you’ll also learn simply by being in the room and conversing with seasoned, successful sales professionals and leaders. Register now and come prepared for a fast-paced, immersive experience.

Yes, call or text Kim at 1-919-632-2862 for group ticket pricing for 5 or more people.

Please feel welcome to call or text Kim at 1-919-632-2862.